LK-99: A potential room-temperature superconductor that could revolutionize technology.

Anil Tiwari
2 min readAug 3, 2023

A research team from South Korea published two papers last week on arXiv, claiming to have created “world’s first room -temperature, atmospheric pressure superconductor material” which is called as LK-99, This can enable the possible fabrication of superconductors at room-temperature and ambient-pressure.

After the papers on LK-99 from South Korean scientists were made public, chinese research team also confirmed that they successfully verified the synthesis of LK-99 crystal.

There is lot of excitement around the possibility of a breakthrough for creating a superconductor that works on room temperature and pressure, this could revolutionize the world of physics and energy. Let’s understand what a superconductor is.

What is superconductor?

  1. Superconductors are special materials that exhibit superconductivity, a state in which they offer virtually zero electrical resistance to the flow of electric current.
  2. When cooled to very low temperatures, usually near absolute zero or below, superconductors allow electric charges (typically carried by electrons) to move through them with almost no hindrance, resulting in highly efficient and lossless electrical conduction.



Anil Tiwari

Technology Lead, AI, Machine Learning, TensorFlow, App modernization, Design and development of enterprise apps.